Here’s the third image from my recent night explorations that I promised a short while ago.
During the summer heat of late I have been taking my dog, Sety, down to Cherry Beach even for his last late-night walk of the day. Sety is border collie and full of energy; he needs 3-4 half-hour runs a day. In this heat, if I go anywhere else that doesn’t have water, he gets overheated before he really gets tired-out and then, once he cools down, he is still wanting of more exercise later. Since walking Sety is an involved activity I usually do not even think of bringing a camera along. However, for several days I had noticed this brightly illuminated patch of vines in mixed lighting on the edge of the parkland and so I brought along my rig one night and tried to make of the scene what I had envisioned.
I very much like this photograph, in the end — as I said, it is currently my favourite of my recent output. However, it isn’t quite what I had pre-visualized. I failed to pack a long enough focal length to frame the branch and vines in the way I intended. I might have to have another go some other night depending how this image feels to me in a while.
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